Wednesday 4 October 2023


Bunga kering telah menjadi tren yang semakin populer dalam dekorasi rumah dan perayaan khusus. Buket bunga kering tidak hanya memberikan sentuhan alami dan elegan pada ruangan, tetapi juga memiliki daya tahan yang lama, menjadikannya pilihan yang sempurna bagi mereka yang ingin menikmati keindahan bunga dalam jangka waktu yang lebih lama. Jika Anda tertarik untuk menjual buket bunga kering dengan harga tinggi, berikut adalah beberapa rahasia sukses yang dapat Anda terapkan.

1. Pilih Bunga Kering Berkualitas Tinggi
Kualitas bunga kering sangat penting dalam menentukan harga jualnya. Pilih bunga kering yang masih dalam kondisi baik, dengan warna yang cerah dan bentuk yang utuh. Pastikan bunga-bunga tersebut telah dikeringkan dengan baik untuk memastikan keindahannya tetap terjaga dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Anda dapat memperoleh bunga kering berkualitas tinggi dari petani bunga lokal atau melalui pengepul bunga kering terpercaya.

2. Kreatif dalam Desain Buket
Penting untuk menampilkan kreativitas dalam desain buket bunga kering Anda. Kombinasikan berbagai jenis bunga kering dengan warna dan tekstur yang berbeda untuk menciptakan tampilan yang menarik dan unik. Anda juga dapat menambahkan elemen dekoratif seperti daun kering, ranting, atau hiasan lainnya untuk memberikan sentuhan khusus pada buket. Jangan takut untuk berinovasi dan mencoba desain baru yang dapat memikat minat pelanggan potensial.

3. Gunakan Kemasan yang Menarik
Kemasan yang menarik dapat memberikan nilai tambah pada buket bunga kering Anda. Pilihlah wadah atau kemasan yang cocok dengan tema atau gaya buket. Anda dapat menggunakan kotak kertas yang elegan, kantong kain yang indah, atau bahkan vas kaca yang transparan untuk menampilkan keindahan bunga kering. Pastikan kemasan tersebut aman dan dapat melindungi buket dari kerusakan selama pengiriman atau penyimpanan.

4. Jalin Kemitraan dengan Penyedia Layanan Pengiriman
Membangun kemitraan dengan penyedia layanan pengiriman dapat membantu Anda menjual buket bunga kering dengan harga tinggi. Pastikan Anda bekerja dengan perusahaan pengiriman yang handal dan memiliki reputasi baik dalam mengirimkan barang dengan aman dan tepat waktu. Dengan adanya layanan pengiriman yang baik, Anda dapat menjangkau pelanggan di berbagai daerah dan meningkatkan potensi penjualan Anda.

5. Pemasaran Melalui Media Sosial dan Situs Web
Media sosial dan situs web adalah alat pemasaran yang sangat efektif untuk menjual buket bunga kering. Buatlah akun bisnis di platform media sosial seperti Instagram, Facebook, dan Pinterest untuk mempromosikan produk Anda. Unggah foto-foto buket bunga kering yang menarik dan berikan informasi detail tentang harga, ukuran, dan jenis bunga yang digunakan. Selain itu, buatlah situs web yang profesional untuk menampilkan portofolio Anda, testimoni pelanggan, dan informasi kontak untuk memudahkan pelanggan potensial menghubungi Anda.

6. Berikan Layanan Pelanggan yang Memuaskan
Memberikan layanan pelanggan yang memuaskan adalah kunci sukses dalam menjual buket bunga kering dengan harga tinggi. Tanggapi pertanyaan atau permintaan pelanggan dengan cepat dan ramah. Berikan informasi yang jelas tentang produk Anda, termasuk cara perawatan dan penyimpanan bunga kering. Jangan lupa untuk mengemas buket dengan baik dan menyertakan kartu ucapan atau pesan khusus sesuai permintaan pelanggan. Dengan memberikan pengalaman pelanggan yang positif, Anda dapat membangun reputasi yang baik dan mendapatkan pelanggan yang loyal.

Dengan menerapkan rahasia sukses di atas, Anda dapat menjual buket bunga kering dengan harga tinggi dan membuktikan keuntungan yang dapat Anda peroleh. Ingatlah untuk selalu menjaga kualitas produk, berinovasi dalam desain, menggunakan kemasan yang menarik, menjalin kemitraan dengan penyedia layanan pengiriman, memanfaatkan media sosial dan situs web untuk pemasaran, serta memberikan layanan pelanggan yang memuaskan. Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses dalam menjual buket bunga kering Anda!

Sunday 9 August 2015

Richard S. Schweiker, a former United States representative and senator from Pennsylvania who was the secretary of health and human services during the first term of President Ronald Reagan, died on Friday in Pomona, N.J. He was 89.

His son Richard Schweiker Jr. said on Monday that Mr. Schweiker had died of complications of an infection at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center after spending a week with his family at his home in Ocean City, N.J.

Mr. Schweiker was president of a Washington-based lobbying and trade group for the life insurance industry for more than a decade after leaving the Reagan administration in 1983.

An enigmatic Republican who looked conservative to many liberals and liberal to many conservatives, Mr. Schweiker went to Washington in 1961 and served for two decades in Congress and two more years in the White House in an era of assassinations, war and sweeping social changes.

As a House member for eight years, he was known as a moderate conservative. He was one of labor’s closest allies, but opposed gun control and the use of federal funds for abortions. He also supported prayers in public schools and in later years voted against busing to integrate schools.

But in his 12 years in the Senate he became known as something of a liberal, a defender of financing for health agencies and medical research. In 1974, he sponsored landmark legislation to finance the National Commission on Diabetes, which created a long-term plan to fight the disease. He also worked closely with Senator Edward M. Kennedy, his Democratic counterpart on labor and public welfare committees.

In 1976, Senators Schweiker and Gary Hart, Democrat of Colorado, issued a report on the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, casting doubt on the Warren Commission’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman in Dallas. The report said that the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation had withheld critical information from the commission.

For refusing to side consistently with the left or right, Mr. Schweiker was often distrusted at both ends of the political spectrum. Conservatives were especially stunned in 1976 when Reagan, running for the presidential nomination and seeking a ticket-balancer, chose Mr. Schweiker as his running mate — an empty gesture, since President Gerald R. Ford won the Republican Party nomination and the Democrat, Jimmy Carter, won the election.

But Mr. Schweiker’s allegiance was not forgotten, and when Reagan won the presidency in 1980, he named the senator to be secretary of health and human services, the sprawling $270 billion agency that encompassed Social Security,Medicare and other programs affecting millions of Americans.

Mr. Schweiker carried out Reagan policies for cutting funds, or the growth of outlays, for health, welfare and social services. But constituents admired him anyway for making reductions as judiciously as possible, and for overturning proposed cuts for the National Institutes of Health, the Public Health Service and Head Start, the program of services for poor preschoolers.

When Mr. Schweiker resigned, Senator Kennedy praised him. “Dick Schweiker has been a good friend and colleague for many years,” he said. “As secretary of health and human services he has too often been a lonely voice of compassion and humanity. The country may never know how much greater the damage to social programs would have been without Dick Schweiker as secretary.”

Richard Schultz Schweiker was born in Norristown, Pa., on June 1, 1926, the son of Malcolm Schweiker and the former Blanche Schultz. After high school he joined the Navy and served on an aircraft carrier during World War II. He graduated with honors from Pennsylvania State University in 1950, and over the next decade rose in business to become president of the American Olean Tile Company.

In 1955, he married the former Claire Coleman, a television personality in Philadelphia. She died in 2013. Besides his son Richard, he is survived by another son, Malcolm; three daughters, Lani Shelton, Kyle Hard and Kristi Carey; a sister, Sylvia Strasburg; 23 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter, most of whom spent time with Mr. Schweiker in the week before his death, his son Richard said.

Mr. Schweiker recently sold his house in McLean, Va., and had been living with a daughter in Herndon, Va.

He won his first race for Congress in 1960, representing a district near Philadelphia, and was re-elected three times. In 1968, he defeated a popular Democrat, Joseph S. Clark, for a Senate seat, and was re-elected in 1974. When he retired from the Senate in 1980, he was succeeded by Arlen Specter, a Republican.

As a cabinet member from 1981 to 1983, Mr. Schweiker was involved in some of the most bitter disputes of the early Reagan years. He tightened welfare eligibility and cut Medicare and Medicaid funds and food stamp grants to states. But he defended health and medical research programs and opposed cuts in Social Security benefits for early retirees.

Mr. Schweiker resigned to become president of the American Council of Life Insurance, now the American Council of Life Insurers, and was succeeded by former Representative Margaret M. Heckler, a Massachusetts Republican.

He later said his most lasting accomplishment would be fixing the amounts Medicare pays for specific medical treatments, instead of leaving costs open-ended. In the long run, he told The New York Times, “that will have the greatest impact of anything I was able to do.”

Friday 30 January 2015

Marion 'Suge' Knight has been arrested for murder in connection to a "fatal traffic incident" the Los Angeles County Sheriff has confirmed.
He is being held in West Hollywood on bail of $2m (£1.3m).
The record producer had earlier surrendered to police after he was declared a suspect in a hit-and-run where one man died.
Another man was injured and although he is currently in hospital, his condition is not yet known.
Around 3pm (2300 GMT) on Thursday, a man fitting Knight's description drove to a burger shop and began rowing with two people, said Lt John Corina of the LA County Sheriff's Department.
The driver then backed into one of the victims, before running them both over.
Police officer in a car park
The Death Row Records founder is said to have left the scene in a red Ford pickup truck, the police said.
Knight, 49, was involved in an earlier fight with the pair at a different location, Corina added.
One of the victims died in hospital, according to the Sheriff's Department statement - while the condition of the second victim, who was also taken to the hospital, has yet to be confirmed.
Police officer investigating crime scene
A lawyer for the rap music legend seemed to confirm Knight had been driving at the time, but claimed it was an accident and he was running away from attackers.
"He was in the process of being physically assaulted by two men and in an effort to escape he unfortunately hit two (other) individuals," James Blatt said.
"He was in his car trying to escape."
Suge Knight with a video camera by him
Knight founded Death Row Records in the 1990s, but later declared bankruptcy and the company was auctioned off.
He helped launch the careers of artists including Dr Dre, Tupac Shakur and Snoop Dogg.
Last August he was shot six times at a nightclub in Los Angeles. No arrests have been made.
In November, he pleaded not guilty to a robbery charge filed after a celebrity photographer accused him of stealing her camera in Beverly Hills.
He could face up to 30 years in prison because of prior convictions.
The music boss has previously been convicted of armed robbery and assault with a gun.
He has also served time for violating probation.
Future residents of Fernvale Lea were mostly relieved after being told that the building of a commercially run columbarium close to their new homes will not be happening now.
But some were still uncomfortable with the idea that the eventual Chinese temple in the estate might still include a resting place for the dead, if its trustees decide to include niches for ashes.
Since last December, more than 1,000 people have signed an online petition to "say no to a columbarium next to our future home". The Build-to-Order project will be ready for people to move into this year.
Some even went as far as to demand a refund from the Housing Board during a dialogue earlier this month with Dr Lam Pin Min, MP for Sengkang West.
Yesterday, it was made clear in Parliament that the site was never meant to be used for a for-profit columbarium, and that the Government is in talks with winning bidder Eternal Pure Land to ensure that the land is used for a Chinese temple.
"With this development, residents' fears should be allayed and there will not be a need to return the flats to HDB," Dr Lam told The Straits Times, adding that many residents had expressed their relief to him.
Ms Josephine Soh, a 29-year-old human resource executive, said: "I was pretty worried about noise pollution that might come from funeral processions. At least a temple just has periodic noise from festivals or big dinner events - usually occasions to celebrate and not something to do with someone passing away."
Sales manager Tan Wei Leong, whose Fernvale Lea flat faces the Chinese temple site, said: "If there really has to be a columbarium, then at least it should not be a commercial one, which will have a lot more niches.
"I hope that the current tender will be void and a religious group will win the bid."
Minister for National Development Khaw Boon Wan said yesterday that the eventual temple there has the choice of whether to run columbarium services for its devotees. "We cannot make the assumption that (there will be such services)," he said.
But even if there is a columbarium, it is not an uncommon practice. Other temples, such as Puat Jit Buddhist Temple and Nanyang Thong Hong Siang Tng Temple - both in Anchorvale - and some churches already include columbariums.
But that still upsets Mrs Gladys Goh, a 33-year-old order management specialist. She said that she had asked HDB several weeks ago about the possibility of getting a different unit in Sengkang or other estates.
"I wouldn't mind living elsewhere, as long as it is not where, every day, I would walk past a place which includes a columbarium," she said.
Dr Lam, while receiving many thanks on his Facebook page after posting about yesterday's development, was also criticised for seemingly "defending" Eternal Pure Land's plans earlier this month.
He had assured residents that the columbarium would be out of the public's view and will take up, at most, only a fifth of the Chinese temple it will be housed at.
He highlighted the modern look of the temple, which he said will be the first in Singapore to have an automated columbarium. There will be other features to reduce noise and parking issues, he said.
Religious groups yesterday highlighted that sites reserved for places of worship are not meant for commercial entities.
Said Mrs Parvathi Annanth, the chief executive and legal counsel of Sree Maha Mariamman Temple in Yishun: "Land released to commercial entities with no religious affiliation is an invasion of our rights."
The president of the Singapore Buddhist Federation, Venerable Seck Kwang Phing, said land is scarce here and commercial entities should go for sites zoned for those purposes.
Singapore Management University law professor Eugene Tan also suggested that bids for worship sites by joint ventures involving a religious organisation and a commercial firms should be subjected to extra scrutiny.
This is "to ensure that profit- making companies do not use religious groups as a front to make money from a site designated for religious purposes".

Sunday 27 July 2014

SEO is a method or technique that should improve the function of the position of your keywords in the search engines. SEO is not complicated, so everyone can certainly learn. With a record of property diligently and patiently. Therefore, SEO is not a static type of science that can be mastered only by store formulas. However, all people can actually learn SEO quickly, if you have a strong desire and the nature that we mentioned above. So, here we give an idea of how to learn SEO quickly without having to pay a teacher.

Before the start of the lesson, this seo, it helps to understand what the terms are always associated with SEO. And the most important thing to understand that terms like the following:

1 backlink
2 Anchor Text
3-page optimization
Off page optimization 4

If you've already figured out the right of the four elements, you can switch to the next lesson, namely, how to implement all of the above points.

Basically SEO is the optimization technique only divided into two basic things. Namely SEO on-page and off-page SEO. Therefore, the following discussion will be in two parts. Please take a look.

1 See page SEO (website optimization inside)
At this point there are three things most vital and, of course, you will be able to learn quickly.

The title should be the keywords that are being targeted included. But in this era of modern algorithms, they use occasionally a title that only directly only with keywords. Highly recommended to vary the sentence in the title. For example, if you want to optimize for the keyword "backlink fields", with a title like "quality backlinks field" or similar. If you have no changes, it is usually when to make even temporarily the filter of Google. And if you're lucky, the keyword will never be able to compete with your competitors.

Permalink / URL
If CMS (Content Management System) that is used, so that the fox with their friends permalink search engines. Permalink to have good grades in the eyes of Google, is a permanent link that contain the keyword. But not too long because Vale permalink. No influence on the course of the optimization.

The content is still important points to facilitate optimization. However, how to create good content for the search engines? Create content with the heart, and give you some keywords that is persecuted. Do not do too many repetitions of keywords if not really connect with the content. Normally, each side is enough to do 3-5 reps keywords. It must, however, in proportion. Do not let the product contains only 100 words, but given the repeated up to 5 times. In addition, in some parts, you can use bold or italic font on the keyword.

2 Learning SEO off page optimization (optimization of the outside)
At this stage, the optimization we have with other web sites. And as also vary. As a function of time, skills and requirements can all be used.

Blog post
You could do a post on another site, and then enter a backlink from the post on the site optimized. This technique is very good and safe if the site used to have a domain name and hosting different. For example, you can create a blog post blogspot,, blogdetik, EduBlogs, Blogetery create and so on.

signature Forum
Use forum signatures to get free backlinks. Although direct value of less overweight, but in some cases such as these backlinks models provide additional visitors to your website. Which in turn provide additional authority to your website, provided that the content is well thought out.

Blog Comment
Blog comment spam actually see it, but it still has this kind of pasta as these play an important role to increase the ratings. But being able to get the best results, please read before using the backlinks blog comments on our previous article.

If you have mastered the previous steps 2, means learning seo is completed. It can in the foreground, without SEO services, you need to practice exclusively hardworking. Without the practice and experimentation, you will certainly often leads to difficulties in the conquest of Google SEO is a dynamic thing.

For further optimization, you can use social media and the like.


Friday 25 July 2014

Paulínea Tula "Tulisa" Contostavlos geboren 13. Juli 1988), auch als Tulisa einfach bekannt, ist ein britischer Singer-Songwriter.

Sie ist am besten als ein Mitglied der Hip-Hop-Gruppe mit Sitz in Camden inzwischen aufgelösten N-Dubz, mit ihrer Cousine und deren Freund Dappy Fazer bekannt. N-Dubz im Jahr 2000 gegründet und vor der Bekanntgabe ihrer unbestimmte Pause im Jahr 2011 veröffentlichte drei Studioalben.

Im Jahr 2011 bis 2012 nahm er als Richter in The X Factor. Sie betreut die Kategorie "Gruppen" in seinem ersten Jahr, einschließlich Little Mix, der ersten Gruppe, den Wettbewerb zu gewinnen. Am 16. März 2012 während eines Streites mit Twitter Dappy, Contostavlos hat angekündigt, dass N-Dubz hatte, Split und wurden nicht eine Pause, als im Jahr 2011 gegründet.
Contostavlos hat sein Debüt-Soloalbum, The Female Boss, 26. November 2012, die eine negative Rückkopplung und geringe Umsätze in der ersten Woche erhielt freigegeben.
Nach einem Stich von der Sonne Zeitung am Sonntag, organisiert wurde Contostavlos auf 4. Juni 2013 festgenommen, mit einem Mann von 35 Jahren, [3] unter dem Vorwurf der Versorgung der Klasse A Drogen, nach der Metropolitan Police "hat erhalten Informationen über die angebliche Lieferung von illegalen Drogen in einer zentralen Lage in London. "
Am 9. Dezember wurde offiziell angeklagt und der Prozess wurde eingestellt, für 14. Juli 2014 Der Fall wurde abgewiesen, weil der Richter glaubte einen Zeugen Mazher Mahmood hatte das Gericht angelogen.

Early life and career beginnings
Contostavlos was born in Camden Town, north London, to an Irish mother, Anne Byrne (who, with her ​​three sisters, was a member of the band 1980 Jeep) and a greek Cypriot father, Byron Contostavlos (who was once a member Mungo Jerry) .When Tulisa was five years old, his mother, bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder was cut under the Mental Health Act. said that was placed in a 3-room house and experienced a lot as a teenager: violence , depression, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, anorexia nervosa, psychological problems, financial difficulties and bullying.

She revealed that she twice tried to kill herself as a teenager and also used to self-harm to try and help her cope with everything through. With the support of his uncle, the former manager of N-Dubz, Byron Contostavlos, at the age of 14 he enrolled at Haverstock Secondary School, then attended Quintin Kynaston School in St John's Wood, but she did not want their exams GCSE sit.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Today, July 23, 2014 celebrate all children Indonesian National Children's Day. Not to be outdone, Google has also helped to enliven the Google Doodle with a unique design on the first page of its search engine.

Games congklak Google as a representative of the joy of the children of Indonesia selected, although this time the game started, rarely played by children again.

Congklak is a traditional game that is known under various names throughout Indonesia.

In Java this game as congklak, Dakon, dhakon or dhakonan is known. Cultivated in some parts of Sumatra Malay, this game is known as arrogant.

In Lampung this game is known as the heartbeat slow, while in Sulawesi, this game is known by several names: mokaotan, maggaleceng, aggalacang and nogarata.

The game is in Malaysia, also known as arrogant, while in English this game called Mancala.

Congklak played by two people. In the game, use the so-called board and 98 boards congklak fruit seeds congklak.

Generally made of wood and cardboard congklak plastic, while the seeds of shells, seeds, stones, marble, or plastic.

Back to the topic of today's Google Doodle. In Indonesia, the celebration of the National Day for Children is an idea for the child's welfare.

This celebration is Number 44 calls 23 July 1984 pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia July 19, 1984.

National Children's Day 2014, which falls on this day, the theme is "Indonesia action, stop violence against children."

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Listeria is the name of a bacterium in soil and water and some animals, including poultry and cattle found. Can be present in raw milk and foods made ​​from raw milk. You can also live in the food processing and contaminate a variety of sausages.

Listeria is unlike many other germs because it can grow even in the cold temperature of the refrigerator. Listeria killed by pasteurization and cooking.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of listeriosis include fever, muscle aches, and sometimes nausea or diarrhea. If the infection spreads to the nervous system, symptoms such as headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, or convulsions. But pregnant women infected experience only a mild, flu-like illness.

How is it diagnosed listeriosis?

Listeriosis is diagnosed based on a medical history and a physical exam. The doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and the workplace and the home. An examination of the blood or spinal fluid test can be done to confirm the diagnosis..

Healthy people rarely become ill with Listeria infections, but the disease can be fatal to the fetus and newborn. People whose immune system is weakened at higher risk of life-threatening complications. Prompt antibiotic treatment can help reduce the effects of infection by listeria.

Listeria bacteria can survive refrigeration and freezing. That is why people who are at higher risk of serious infections should avoid eating the types of foods most likely to contain listeria.

How is it treated?

A healthy person who is not pregnant do not need treatment in the rule. The symptoms usually disappear in a few weeks.

If you are pregnant and listeriosis antibiotics can often prevent infection of the fetus or newborn. Children who have listeriosis receive the same antibiotics as adults, although a combination of antibiotics is often used until the doctor is sure that the cause listeriosis.

The end!

Tuesday 22 July 2014

James Garner (born James Scott Bumgarner, April 7, 1928 - July 19, 2014) is an American actor. He starred in several television series for more than five decades, including roles of Bret Maverick, in the popular 1950 comedy series Maverick Western and detective Jim Rockford in 1970 drama series The Rockford Files.

Garner has also starred in over 50 films, including The Great Escape (1963), The Americanization of Emily (1964), Grand Prix (1966), Blake Edwards' Victor Victoria (1982), Murphy's Romance (1985) for which he received a nomination for an Academy Award, Space Cowboys (2000) and the Notebook (2004).

Actor James Garner, best known for the role of television in the early evening, as the players of Edge hilarious on "Maverick" and as an ex-con turned detective known "The Rockford Files", has died at the age of 86, celebrity news site TMZ reported on Sunday.

Garner to build a career of six decades played a character that rough, but attractive, good-hearted, anti-hero. He had received the highest award from the Screen Actors Guild in 2004.

He was sent dead on Saturday night by ambulance officers were found, at his home in Los Angeles.

Marriage and family

The Garners 1961 Greta Garner is in the womb; Kim is looking for between Garner and his wife Lois.
Garner was married to Lois Clarke Fleishman, who met at a gathering "Adlai Stevenson for President" in 1956, they were married 14 days August 17, 1956 "We went to dinner every night for 14 nights .. I was just absolutely crazy about her I spent $ 77 on our honeymoon, and it broke on me "According to Garner," Marriage is like the army;. everyone complains, but you'd be surprised at the large number of people trying to acquire new ones.

If Garner and Clarke married his daughter Kim from a previous marriage was seven years old, and recovery from polio Garner had a daughter with Lois.:. Greta "Gigi" Garner In an interview with Good Housekeeping Garner, wife and two daughters in their home run, which was published in March 1976 Gigi at the age of 18 years and Kim has been specified as 27
Garner died July 19, 2014 less than a month before their 58th wedding anniversary.